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《天时报》取意天时地利人和,以弘扬中华传统文化和交汇多元文化社区为宗旨,以独家及原创的媒体风格 而立足于本地。其所涵盖的栏目包括:国际、北美、中国、金融经济、省府报道、华裔风采、原创文学、社团专刊。
华侨梦文化传媒公司(Overseas Chinese Dream Inc.)成立于2017年8月,主要经营地点在加拿大阿尔伯塔省埃德蒙顿,旗下业务涉及影视娱乐、电视节目、剧本创作、书籍出版和文化交流。
A message from the Premiere of Alberta on the first anniversary.
A congratulation message from the Premiere of Alberta on the first anniversary of the Chineses Multicultural Herald.
A message form the honourable Josephine Pon
A message form the honourable Josephine Pon.
Jordan Walk MLA.
A recognition letter from Jordan Walk, MLA. Sherwood Park
A message from the Premiere of Alberta on the first anniversary.
A congratulation message from the Premiere of Alberta on the first anniversary of the Chineses Multicultural Herald.
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