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Literary, Cultural and Media


—— Romeo Honorio

Multicultural Herald, Alberta Filipino Journal and Diary of Allbertans Society

“Grab a copy for a full heart-chuckling year!” Dr. A. Kuhn

Part 2 Preface

 IT’S A HOAX! And so—I isolate, wash hands, wear mask, keep distance, limit contact with other people, wait for the vaccine and booster shots, and laugh until I remember that it isn’t!

The worldwide distractions and health impacts of the pandemic were immense and will be felt for generations. The spread of the virus was swift, and millions of lives perished. Communities were on edge.

 Relationships were altered. There was so much grief and despair. The general mood was bleak, and it seemed no good would come out of this pandemic. Collectively, we felt that what was ahead was perilous. The common thread and theme of stories were gloom and doom.

 On a personal level, though, there were stories and experiences seldom told or shared. Categorically, these stories were sad, insightful, reflective, concerning, and compelling. One aspect of the pandemic experience seemed to be less written and journaled about, highlighted, and shared with others—the lighter, inspiring, uplifting, and insightful personal stories and experiences.

 My last book, COVID-19 Fundemic, published in 2020, delved mostly into the funny and lighthearted aspect of the pandemic, expressed through illustrations, drawings, poems, and musings. The purpose was to encourage and inspire readers to journal their funny experiences and stories.

 The goal of this book, Fundemic Moments, is to share my funny, thoughtful, and insightful observations, experiences, and perspectives on events, news, people, public health mandates, and life in general during the pandemic.

 My intention is to stir and provoke readers to ponder and understand the importance of sharing and telling a funny story. In so doing, we can all look back and reminisce. The pandemic had its witty and funny side too. It won’t only be seen as one of the saddest moments of our lives. There will always be fundemic moments in our lives that the next generation will cherish, chuckle at, and learn from.

 Three years after, I came to believe that possibly my wife, son and daughter were close to the truth. In the workplace and at home, I was a nonessential worker!

 Do you have funny stories and experiences during the pandemic?

 Give me a call. Let’s chat and share our “Fundemic Moments.”


 Source: Glossary for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Translation Bureau, Government of Canada

 THE PANDEMIC HAS created a plethora of terminologies. Scientists, public health officials, academic circles, and the government have arrived at various definitions, applications, and easy-to-understand examples.

 However, there is a way to wittily express the concepts in layman’s terms. (Italics indicate my experiential definitions.)

 Ageusia. The complete or partial loss of the sense of taste.

 Every time I modify and improve a version of a dish, since the onset of the pandemic, my wife’s ageusia intensified.

 Airborne transmission. Airborne transmission occurs when infectious agents are transmitted through droplet nuclei, aerosols, and dust particles that travel more than one metre. Not to be confused with droplet transmission.

 A friend of mine confided that one of the pandemic positives was masking. Airborne transmission of droplet nuclei, aerosols, and dust particles from her teen’s yelling, whining, and swearing were minimized.

Animal-to-human transmission.

 When my friend let Buster, his dog, lick his face.

 Anosmia. The complete or partial loss of the sense of smell.

 Even before the pandemic, our office had a “no scent policy.”

 Antibody. A protein produced in response to the introduction of an antigen in an organism and that plays a role in the immune response against this antigen.

 It’s just like sweat produced by the body to cool it off from and internal and external stimulant. When my bank account statement losses two digits, my antibodies are looking for an antigen.

 Antigen. A substance that, when introduced into an organism, induces an immune response.

 I had it every morning. Oatmeal immunizes me from hunger and cholesterol buildup.

 Antipyretic Therapy. A treatment to reduce fever.

 Antipyretic therapy is no match for fever-producing high bills and gas price increases.

 Anti-vaxxer. A person who is opposed to vaccination.

 My older sister always reminded us to follow all public-healthmandated measures during the pandemic. However, she has not been vaccinated since the start of the pandemic.

 Anti Viral Drug. A drug that works against a virus.

 Of course!

 Asymptomatic. Not exhibiting any symptoms.

 My wife and I were asymptomatic, and we didn’t even know it!

“Our 15-day cruise experiences are life’s enriching and stress relievingmoments” (l-r) Heidi, Gerhard and Nida

Available at: (Hard and E-copy)

Indigo Chinook Mall. Calgary, Alberta

Calgary Public Library (Main)

Signed copy (Contact the Author)

Price $ 20.00

About Romeo Honorio

Author: Open Visa, Covid 19 Fundemic and Fundemic Moments

Speaker: Senior’s clubs, organizations, family, and team building,

Advisor: Groups, small entrepreneurs, family and individuals

Peer: Newcomers, family, and individuals

For speaking and advising please contact Romeo at:

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