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【天时周刊加拿大讯】祝贺《天时周刊》社长荣获加拿大多元文化事业传承奖章 The Senator Victor Oh Legacy Award。


  加拿大多元文化传承奖章The Senator Victor Oh Legacy Award ,该奖项旨在表彰在社区服务、领导力和推动多元文化交流方面做出卓越贡献的个人。设立此奖项的目的是鼓励和认可那些在促进加拿大多元文化社会和谐与发展过程中表现突出的个人,并吸引更多人参与,共同为建设美好的加拿大贡献力量。













Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Minister Yaseen

Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen

June 27, 2024 Media inquiries

Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen issued the following statement on Canadian Multiculturalism Day:

“Today, Canadians come together to celebrate Multiculturalism Day, a day that highlights the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our province and our country.

“Multiculturalism Day recognizes that our shared national identity is enriched by diversity. We are of various races, cultures, and beliefs; we speak many languages and have numerous customs.

“Alberta’s commitment to multiculturalism is rooted in our shared values of respect and inclusion. Diversity is one of Alberta’s greatest strengths and is part of what makes this province a great place to live and work. Our multicultural heritage enriches our communities, strengthens our economy and broadens our perspectives.

“Our government is committed to fostering a province where people from all backgrounds are valued and respected.

“On this special day, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all Albertans who, through their unique cultures and traditions, contribute to the vibrant mosaic of our society. May we all continue to embrace each other’s differences and find strength in our unity.”



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